202054星期一 100059

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The development and future of lithium-ion batteries

scanning:149 author: from: time:2019-08-13 classify:Battery project
Development process The growth of a product is based on the evolution of another product\'s bones, and lithium-ion batteries are no exception.

Development process The growth of a product is based on the evolution of another product's bones, and lithium-ion batteries are no exception.

As a kind of electric energy storage device, the battery has a history of 200 years, from the initial non-rechargeable battery (such as zinc-manganese dry battery) to rechargeable battery (such as lead-acid battery, nickel-hydrogen battery, nickel-cadmium battery) to the nearest lithium ion. battery.

Lithium-ion battery technology began to be researched in the 1960s. It was commercialized by Sony Corporation of Japan in 1992, and it was stepped up in several stages. In addition to the original market increment and the demand for new products, it replaced the same kind. Incremental in functional products: 1992-1996, which is the trial production phase and the market guidance phase, and there are no large-volume applications.

Since 1996, it has entered the mass production stage. Due to the obvious advantages of energy density, lithium-ion batteries have gradually replaced the application of nickel-hydrogen nickel-cadmium batteries in small-sized battery products.

From 1996 to 2000, the early lithium-ion battery was mainly 18650, which was first applied to notebook computers and some handheld communication devices, gradually replacing the nickel-hydrogen/nickel-cadmium market. From 2000 to 2003, it began to completely replace nickel-metal hydride/nickel-cadmium batteries in mobile phones and other 3C digital devices. Around 1998, with the mass production of square-shell and flexible-package lithium-ion batteries, and the light-weight and compact requirements of digital communication equipment,

Lithium-ion batteries basically dominate the 3C digital field. During this period, BYD entered the supply chain of mainstream mobile phone manufacturers and began to expand its accessories and foundry business. The volume began to multiply; ATL also carried the big ship of Apple in this period and began to sail all the way.

In 2003-2007, with the gradual reduction of the cost of lithium-ion batteries, nickel-hydrogen nickel-cadmium batteries were replaced in the small household appliances, tools, and toys markets, and 18650 was developed into a standard product for use in the above fields. In 2007-2011, with the interest of smart phones, soft-package polymer lithium-ion batteries began to dominate the application market for mobile phones and peripheral devices. At the same time, many companies began to explore the application of lithium-ion batteries in the field of electric vehicles.

Since 2011, lithium-ion batteries have flourished in three directions: 1. Started to enter the field of electric vehicle applications in batches. The logo is the model S launched by Tesla in 12 years. 2. With the evolution of the Internet from the era of information dissemination to the era of information application, and the full development of integrated circuit technology, product development and circulation costs are getting lower and lower, the cycle is getting faster and faster, entering the era of product explosion, various new types of electrical appliances The product is constantly in the market, pushing up the market volume of lithium-ion batteries, such as Bluetooth wear, smart home, drones, electronic cigarettes, personal care and so on. 3. Started to replace lead-acid batteries in industrial energy storage, household energy storage, two-wheelers, tool carts, and UPS. Future market trends Since 1992, the global lithium battery market has reached 2000+ billion yuan, with an average annual compound growth rate of over 20%, which is a long-term high-growth industry.

It is foreseeable that the trend of steady growth will continue in the next ten years. The growth of the following three aspects is relatively clear: 1. Electric vehicles gradually replace gasoline vehicles, and lithium-ion batteries are the main power components in the next decade. ]

A Although the battery energy density is currently only 200WH/Kg, far less than the 12000Wh/Kg of gasoline, the motor efficiency is more than 90% far greater than the internal combustion engine efficiency of 30%+, which greatly saves resource loss. With the advancement of technology, the battery energy density is increased, and the bottleneck of the electric vehicle's cruising range can be solved.

B Environmental factors, electric drive has almost no carbon emissions.

C cost, motor drive structure is simple, if the battery cost is reduced, the cost of electric vehicles is much lower than that of fuel vehicles.

D Electric drive is fast, quiet and more fun to drive. Now some people are still questioning battery safety issues, cost issues, environmental issues of power generation, and difficulties in charging power grids... But any new thing that replaces old things is never one step in place, as the technology of new products continues to advance, As costs continue to fall, consumer awareness continues to increase, and when a line is reached, replacing old products is irreversible.

In addition, just as we couldn't predict how smartphones dominate our lives 10 years ago, it's hard to predict what the car will do in the future. With the development of the Internet of Things, autonomous driving, and intelligent AI technology, I expect that there will be one person and one car in the future. The automobile has become an indispensable tool for people to live, work, and travel, so the market volume is immeasurable.

2. Further compress or even replace the existing market for lead-acid batteries.

3. In the era of artificial intelligence, the arrival of the Internet of Things era will inevitably lead to more mobile devices and expand the market capacity of lithium-ion batteries.

Technology development trend 1. Positive electrode: It is currently developing towards high nickel NCM/NCA, but energy density is still a bottleneck. In the future, lithium-rich salt may be a direction:

2. Negative: Si material is a relatively clear direction:

3. Electrolytes: Inorganic solid electrolytes are a trend: Which battery can replace lithium-ion batteries in the future? There are currently no products that can be mass-produced.

Conclusion: 1. Battery new energy industry is still a golden age of development.

2. Excellent enterprises can gain insight into the development trend of the industry in advance, seize the opportunity to meet market demand and even create user demand; good enterprises can achieve the ultimate in the segmentation field, or can occupy the development of large customers following the industry; Ordinary enterprises are often able to respond quickly to meet the needs of customers, or to achieve excellence in a certain aspect of cost; poor enterprises, relying on opportunities to start in a certain business, stick to the rules, and finally inevitably be eliminated.

3, the battery industry in the early stage of various chaos, but not on a first-come-first-served basis, there is no shortcut, the product is always the first competitiveness.